Blue-Eyes White Dragon ( 青眼の白龍(ブルーアイズ・ホワイト・ドラゴン)

Flag of the United Kingdom English Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Flag of the People's Republic of China Chinese 藍眼白龍
Flag of France French Dragon Blanc aux Yeux Bleus
Flag of Germany German Blauäugiger w. Drache
Flag of Italy Italian Drago Bianco Occhi Blu
Flag of South Korea Korean 푸른 눈의 백룡
Flag of Portugal Portuguese Dragão Branco de Olhos Azuis
Flag of Spain Spanish Dragón Blanco de Ojos Azules
Flag of Japan Asian-English Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Flag of Japan Japanese (Kana) ブルーアイズ・ホワイト・ドラゴン
Flag of Japan Japanese (Base) 青眼の白龍
Flag of Japan Phonetic Burūaizu Howaito Doragon
Type Dragon
Level 8 CG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG Star
ATK/DEF 3000/2500
Card Number 89631139