Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon 真紅眼の不死竜(レッドアイズ・アンデットドラゴン)

Flag of the United Kingdom English Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
Flag of France French Dragon Zombie Aux Yeux Rouges
Flag of Germany German Rotäugiger Zombiedrache
Flag of Italy Italian Drago Zombie Occhi Rossi
Flag of Portugal Portuguese Dragão Zumbi de Olhos Vermelhos
Flag of Spain Spanish Dragón Zombi de Ojos Rojos
Flag of Japan Japanese (Kana) レッドアイズ・アンデットドラゴン
Flag of Japan Japanese (Base) 真紅眼の不死竜
Flag of Japan Phonetic Reddoaizu Andetto Doragon
Flag of Japan Translated Red-Eyes Undead Dragon
Attribute DARK DARK
Types Zombie/Effect
Level 7 CG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG Star
ATK/DEF 2400/2000
Card Number 05186893
Card effect types Summon, Trigger